Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today when opening the door to go down stairs there was a baby bird sitting there. Well the animal sucker that I am i scooped it up and put in in an empty laundry hamper. I knew if I left it there it would become dinner for the cats next door at the cat feeding station. I waited until it calmed down abit and then i picked it up and put it on the desk and got pictures. I then went on to see about finding someone who had knowledge of this. Within half an hour a woman came for the baby bird and took it to her friend who is a wild life rehabber. I am amazed that it was so fast and that they really called me back to let me know it was a baby robin about 3 weeks old and that they were 99% sure it would survive. The only time I dealt with baby birds was last year when we found a goose nest with eggs in it and watched to find out the mother abandoned it so I brought the eggs in and hatched them in a tote with heating pads. I kept them until they were old enough and a rehabber took them to get them ready to return to their natural habitat.